Saturday, December 29, 2012

Essential Oils for Creativity & Inspiration

Basil oil is an excellent remedy for clarity of thinking and to help you focus.

The oil of Chamomile is very powerful for dealing with things like work stress, anger and grief.
This is also a great oil for those who tend to be too empathic.

I choose this one when I feel like I need a boost of motivation, for those days where you just want to sit around and do nothing! A drop or two of cinnamon will get you moving again.

An old favourite. This spicy oil protects us from absorbing the negative emotions of those around us. It's also good for children who have bad dreams or for using it when they are worried about nightmares.

The all around perfect oil! It’s soothing for mood, and especially great for relaxation – though be careful to use this in moderation. It's not everybody’s favourite perfume and some people have gotten a bit overzealous with this one and ended up getting a bit too amped up! Lavender also works well when mixed with the Cedarwood. It's great for using as a room freshener, just mix it in a spray bottle filled with water, and add enough lavender to be able to smell it.

Peppermint is also one of my all time favourites! Not only can it help with headaches (I carry it in my purse for this reason) but it clears the mind and refreshes the spirit. I frequently use peppermint when I’m writing and have found it to be very helpful as a handy 'pick-me-up'.

Another fabulous one for inspiring creativity! This is a mood lifter that clears the head and allows one to think. I like to use it with the peppermint, and it also has a reputation of helping to boost the memory!

Another old favourite, Sandalwood oil promotes a sense of ease and inner peace and confidence. When I feel like I need a bit of encouragement and support, this is one that may help.

Another oil of emotional support – I like to mix this with sandalwood. It seems to give me that extra little feeling of “YES I CAN DO IT!” Also very beneficial for children.

Texas Cedarwood
A favorite for grounding, when I feel scattered. I like to use this when I feel that I have too many ideas, and can’t focus on one thing in, I could do with some right now! Try mixiong it with Basil if feeling particularly 'ungrounded' or out of balance.

Ylang Ylang
I like this for those times when I want to relax with something creative – like reading or drawing or painting.